

2020 Full-time Master Degree Program for Marine Science

一、基本信息 Basic Information

二、学科简介 Introduction




Marine Science is a knowledge system that involves the phenomena, nature and change rules of the ocean, as well as the protection, exploitation and research of marine resources. Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) develops marine science and technology to serve the national strategy of “caring for the ocean, understanding the ocean, and managing the ocean”, and to promote the development of marine science and technology, marine economy and marine humanities.

Marine Science is characterized by interdisciplinary, which is quite different from other existing disciplines such as science, engineering and life. The major selection, curriculum design and training plan for postgraduate students of Marine Science are not only significantly different from but also complementary to the existing disciplines of SJTU, optimizing the discipline layout of SJTU. Under the auspices of Institute of Oceanography, and the support of School of Naval Architecture, Ocean & Civil Engineering, the School of Life Sciences and Biology, the School of Environment, and the State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering and the State Key Laboratory of Microbial Metabolism, the Marine Science discipline has developed rapidly in the past six years. In 2018, The Second Institute of Oceanography of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Shanghai Jiao Tong University jointly established the School of Oceanography (SOO), enriching a large number of scientists that majored in marine science and technology, and forming a special teaching and research team combining marine science with engineering and technology. Currently, SOO has 54 full-time faculty members, including 3 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2 academician of the US Academy of Sciences, and 3 winners of Excellent-Youth-Fund from the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

In March, 2018, the master's degree in first-level discipline of Marine Science was established. In March, 2019, the doctoral degree in the first-level discipline of Marine Science was established. Currently, SOO has five secondary disciplines including physical oceanography, chemical oceanography, biological oceanography (including marine strategy), marine geology, and marine technology (including ocean remote sensing).

三、培养目标 Program Objective


The Academic Master Degree Program Aims to train inter-disciplinary senior professional students that systematically master the knowledge of Marine Science, understand the development status, dynamics and international academic research frontier of Marine Science, obtain independent research and innovative abilities, develop strong writing skills, master a foreign language, and have advanced international communication skills.

四、培养方式及学习年限 Training Mode and Study Duration


This program adopts the full-time learning and instructor-responsible mode; Within two weeks after enrollment, the instructor should be selected by the freshmen through a two-way selecting strategy. Academic master: 2.5 years. Master students that fail to graduate on time can extend up to one school year.

五、课程学习要求 Course Requirement


六、培养过程要求 Training Requirement


Thesis proposal and mid-term examination should be finished by the third semester and thesis defense should be finished by the fifth semester.

七、学术成果要求 Requirement on Academic Achievements


中文标注:bat365在线登录入口,上海 200030。

英文标注:School of Oceanography, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 1954 Huashan Rd., Shanghai 200030, China. 地址可以根据需要选择是否使用,单位名称如需简称,可使用Sch. Oceanog., Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.。

Postgraduate students should meet the requirement of publishing academic papers set by the SJTU and SOO. An academic paper with his/her name as first author should be published (or accepted) in a peer-reviewed journal before graduation thesis defense. The content of the academic paper must be consistent with that of the dissertation. Minimum requirement for applying for a degree: For all academic papers published, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (School of Oceanography/ Institute of Oceanography) should be the first publishing unit, while the applicant should be the first author. The instructor has the right to formulate the standards for postgraduate publications according to the conditions of each subject. To obtain a Master degree the student should have at least one academic article published in a Chinese core journal.

Chinese:bat365在线登录入口,上海 200030。

English:School of Oceanography, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 1954 Huashan Rd., Shanghai 200030, China. Or Sch. Oceanog., Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.。

八、学位论文 Thesis/Dissertation Work


The dissertation should include thesis proposal, mid-term examination of the dissertation, review and defense of the thesis. Generally, the thesis should be written in Chinese and printed in the format required by the SJTU (see "Shanghai Jiao Tong University Thesis Writing Requirements for Graduate Students"). In case of special circumstances (such as the thesis is designated to participate in international expert review, or the graduate student does not have Chinese writing ability) when English writing is needed, the graduate student needs to obtain approval from the Academic Degrees Committee and report to the graduate school for filings. When the academic paper publication requirements are met and the thesis is completed, it is also necessary to pass the repetition rate test and finish the review of the thesis before the graduate student is able to apply for a defense.

九、课程设置 Courses

详见下页 Please refer to the next page.

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Course Code
课程名称 Course Name 学分
可以计算GPA 必须计算GPA 备注 Note
中文Chinese English
General Courses
FL6001 学术英语 English for Academic Purposes 2 英文 in English 秋季 Fall 是 Yes 是 Yes 必修 Compulsory
GE6001 学术写作、规范与伦理 Scientific Writing, Integrity and Ethics 1 中文 in Chinese 秋季 Fall 否 No 否 No 必修 Compulsory
MARX6001 中国特色社会主义理论与实践研究 Socialist theory with Chinese characteristics and practice research 2 中文 in Chinese 春季 Spring 是 Yes 是 Yes 必修 Compulsory
MARX6003 自然辨证法概论 Introduction to Dialectics of Nature 1 中文 in Chinese 春季 Spring 是 Yes 是 Yes 必修 Compulsory
Program Core Courses
MS6401 物理海洋学 Physical Oceanography 2 中文 in Chinese 秋季 Fall 是 Yes 是 Yes 必修 Compulsory
MS6501 化学海洋学 Chemical Oceanography 2 中文 in Chinese 秋季 Fall 是 Yes 是 Yes 必修 Compulsory
MS6601 生物海洋学 Biological Oceanography 2 英文 in English 秋季 Fall 是 Yes 是 Yes 必修 Compulsory
MS6701 海洋地质学 Marine Geoscience 2 中文 in Chinese 秋季 Fall 是 Yes 是 Yes 必修 Compulsory
MS6801 海洋技术前沿 State of the Art for Marine Technology 2 中文 in Chinese 秋季 Fall 是 Yes 是 Yes 必修 Compulsory
MS6301 海上实践 Sea Practice 2 中文 in Chinese 春秋季 Spring&Fall 是 Yes 否 No 选修 Elective
STAT6002 生物数学(I) Biology Mathematics I 3 中文 in Chinese 春秋季 Spring&Fall 是 Yes 是 Yes 四选一,至少选修3学分数学类课程。
Must take one of them.
MATH6009 数学物理方程 Mathematical-Physical Equation 3 中文 in Chinese 春秋季 Spring&Fall 是 Yes 是 Yes
STAT6001 基础数理统计 Fundamental Mathematical Statistics 3 中文 in Chinese 春秋季 Spring&Fall 是 Yes 是 Yes
MATH6004 计算方法 Numerical Analysis 3 中文 in Chinese 春秋季 Spring&Fall 是 Yes 是 Yes
Program Frontier Courses
GE6011 学术报告会 Academic Lectures 1 英文 in English 春秋季 Spring&Fall 否 No 否 No 必修 Compulsory
MS8401 海洋环境数据分析 Marine Environmental Data Analysis 2 英文 in English 春季 Spring 是 Yes 否 No 选修 Elective
MS8402 地球流体动力学 I Geophysical Fluid Dynamics 2 中文 in Chinese 春季 Spring 是 Yes 否 No 选修 Elective
MS8501 海洋生物地球化学动力学 Ocean Biogeochemical Dynamics 2 中文 in Chinese 春季 Spring 是 Yes 否 No 选修 Elective
MS8502 海洋生物地球化学过程和气候变化 Marine Biogeochemical Cycles and Climate Change 2 中文 in Chinese 春季 Spring 是 Yes 否 No 选修 Elective
MS8503 同位素地球化学 Isotope Geochemistry 2 中文 in Chinese 春季 Spring 是 Yes 否 No 选修 Elective
MS8601 海洋生态学 Marine Ecology 2 中文 in Chinese 春季 Spring 是 Yes 否 No 选修 Elective
MS8602 浮游生物动力学 Plankton Dynamics 2 中文 in Chinese 春季 Spring 是 Yes 否 No 选修 Elective
MS8701 海洋地球物理 Marine Geophysics 2 中文 in Chinese 春季 Spring 是 Yes 否 No 选修 Elective
MS8702 海底科学 Submarine Geosciences 2 中文 in Chinese 春季 Spring 是 Yes 否 No 选修 Elective
MS8703 海底矿产资源与成矿系统 Seafloor Mineral Resources and Ore-forming System 2 中文 in Chinese 春季 Spring 是 Yes 否 No 选修 Elective
MS8704 海洋卫星遥感原理与应用技术 Ocean Satellite Remote Sensing Principle and Application 2 中文 in Chinese 春季 Spring 是 Yes 否 No 选修 Elective
MS8801 潜水器设计原理 Design Principle of Underwater Vehicles 2 中文 in Chinese 春季 Spring 是 Yes 否 No 选修 Elective
MS8802 海洋观测、探测与作业技术 Marine Observation, Exploration and Operation Technologies 2 中文 in Chinese 春季 Spring 是 Yes 否 No 选修 Elective
MS8901 海洋政策与管理 Ocean Policy and Management 2 中文 in Chinese 秋季 Fall 是 Yes 否 No 选修 Elective
Program Elective Courses
MS8403 海气相互作用理论 Theory on Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction 2 中文 in Chinese 春季 Spring 否 No 否 No 选修 Elective
MS8404 近海海洋学 Coastal Oceanography 2 中文 in Chinese 春季 Spring 否 No 否 No 选修 Elective
MS8705 海洋科学与技术前沿系列I Fronties in Marine Science and Technology I 2 中文 in Chinese 秋季 Fall 否 No 否 No 选修 Elective
MS8504 海洋科学与技术前沿系列II Fronties in Marine Science and Technology II 2 中文 in Chinese 春季 Spring 否 No 否 No 选修 Elective


