Trace metals from Earth’s Ice Sheets to the ocean
发布日期: 2022/01/05




密码: 406155



Glacier runoff is associated with high sediment loads (>1 g L-1) and is well characterized as a driver of elevated turbidity and iron (Fe) concentrations in near-shore polar environments. Icebergs, glacier runoff and glacier-derived shelf sediments are all thought to be large sources of Fe along glaciated coastlines resulting in amongst the highest dissolved and particulate Fe concentrations observed in the polar oceans. Whilst Fe availability is well characterized as a constraint on primary production across large parts of the high latitude ocean, other trace elements affect primary production and more generally cellular functioning. Furthermore, recent work has also suggested (Co)-limiting roles for manganese (Mn) and cobalt (Co) in parts of the Southern Ocean. Changes in the concentration and/or ratio of trace element supply from the cryosphere to the ocean in the context of glacier retreat and increasing freshwater discharge may therefore have far-reaching consequences. Here we present an overview of trace element distributions measured across the salinity gradient in catchments spanning Greenland and the Western Antarctic Peninsula.



Dr. Mark Hopwood started his career studying chemistry at the University of Manchester (UK) followed by a PhD in oceanography at the University of Southampton (UK) where he began his research in the field of trace metal chemistry in the marine environment. Following his doctorate in 2015, he moved to GEOMAR (Germany) as a postdoc studying marine biogeochemical cycles in dynamic coastal environments around Greenland, Svalbard and Peru. From 2019 he was funded by the DFG to lead his own research studying the effect of climate change on trace metal distributions around Greenland and Antarctica. In April 2021 he moved to SUSTech as an Associate Professor where he now leads a marine biogeochemistry research group focusing on climatically sensitive biogeochemical processes at the land-ocean interface. He has ongoing research projects around Guangdong province, Greenland and the Antarctic Peninsula.

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