河口近海的有机质及其低氧环境效应Organic matter and its hypoxia effect in the estuarine and coastal regions
发布日期: 2020/05/01


时间:9:00-10:00 ,周三,5/6/2020





Under the multi-stressor of both anthropogenic activities and climate changes, rivers are exerting stronger impact to adjacent seas worldwide. Give the background of eutrophication, the in situ produced organic matter, together with previously frozen organic matter, in the basin is released and emptied to estuaries and coastal zones in an increasing rate/extent. This acceleration of output raises challenges to the previously-balanced carbon and nitrogen budgets and dynamics. Furthermore, the degradation of extra organic matter in the near bottom waters induces hypoxia, which accelerates the deteriorating of ecosystem habitat, and in turn changing carbon and nitrogen cycling. Based on specific biomarkers and bulk concentrations, this talk basically focused on organic matter and its hypoxia effect in the estuarine and coastal region. The dynamics of estuarine and coastal organic matter is elucidated from certain perspectives, covering low, mediate and high latitudes. With respect to the hypoxia effect, I will share its mechanism and controlling factors from the perspective of biogeochemistry, and ended by introducing the latest research findings.




Zhuoyi Zhu, associate professor in State Key Lab of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Ph. D. supervisor. Research interests include organic carbon and nitrogen cycling, hypoxia. His research covers area from tropical/subtropical to temperate and polar estuaries and coastal seas. He was and is, in charge of 3 projects sponsored by the Natural Science Foundation Committee of China (NSFC), and 1 project from the International Foundation for Science (Sweden). He was/is also deeply involved in several National Key Research and Development Program of China (Ministry of Science and Technology, China) and Key Research Program from NSFC. Together with his coauthors, he has over 30 publications in SCI journals, in which he contributed over 10 as the first and corresponding author.

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