Understanding the Atlantic OceanCirculation in the Past 22,000 Years Using an Isotope-enabled Ocean Model
发布日期: 2019/12/27


时间:2019年12 月30日 8:30-9:30



proxy records suggest that Atlantic ocean circulation experienced substantial changes during the past 22,000 years, which played an important role in regulating past climate changes. This period, with abundant paleo observations, provides an excellent opportunity to improve our understanding of the mechanisms underlying ocean circulation and climate change. However, proxy records are not direct measurements of physical variables, and the interpretation of proxy records can be influenced by many processes, complicating the model-data comparison. Therefore, different isotopes are implemented in climate models, which makes direct model-data comparison possible. In this study, an isotope-enabled ocean model (iCESM) is used to investigate Atlantic ocean circulation during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the last deglaciation as well as to assess the ability of different proxies to reconstruct past ocean condition. From direct model-data comparison, several specific problems are investigated: (1) Deglacial Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) in the Atlantic; (2) Zonal contrast of d18O in the benthic foraminifera and Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) strength during the last deglaciation; (3) Atlantic water mass and AMOC during the LGM. These examples suggest that iCESM is a powerful tool for improving our understanding of past ocean changes and interpretations of proxy records.


顾思凡,中国海洋大学博士后。2008年至2012年在北京大学大气与海洋科学系学习,获学士学位; 2018年毕业于美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校大气与海洋科学系,获得博士学位。研究方向包括同位素的模式开发,以及应用嵌入同位素的地球系统模式模拟过去海洋环流来帮助理解海洋环流以及同位素的变化及机制。

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