氨氧化古菌在南海第四纪氮循环中作用的研究(Archaeal ammonia oxidation plays a part in late Quaternary cycling in the South China Sea)
发布日期: 2019/12/24


时间:2019年12月26日 9:00-10:00



Thaumarchaeota, as an ammonia oxidizing archaea (AOA), is crucial for modern marine nitrogen cycling; however, little is known about its history during the Quaternary climate change. Here, isoprenoidal glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), biomarkers of Thaumarchaeota, were used to trace the role of AOA in the South China Sea (SCS) for the past 160 kyr. The GDGT-[2]/[3] ratio was firstly argued as an indicator of contribution of shallow Thaumarchaeota cluster that is more active in ammonia oxidization (AO) than the deep cluster, and then, was used to reconstruct AO in the past. The inferred AO exhibited intensification in the interglacials, and moreover, showed strong precessional cycles with enhancements at the precessional maxima when boreal winter insolation was the highest. The AOA record varied in line with isotope record of organic nitrogen (δ15Norg) that is modulated by the strength of diazotroph N2 fixation (NF), suggesting a close coupling of increased AO with enhanced NF during periods of weak east Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) and hence increase of upper water stratification. AO intensification, a step of a series of dissolved oxygen consuming processes, is hereby hypothesized to encourage NF when the EAWM weakens. This result might be a reference for the future NF trend in the current situation of enhanced ocean deoxygenation due to global warming.



董良,博士,现任上海交通老员工命科学技术学院,助理研究员。2015年博士毕业于同济大学海洋与地球科学学院,海洋地质学专业,有机地球化学方向。主要从事微生物脂类生物标志在古海洋/环境/古生态重建及其母体在元素循环中作用方面的研究。2015年-2018年继续留在同济大学进行博士后研究;并于2018年5月博士后出站,加入bat365中文官方网站微生物海洋学团队至今,负责地球化学平台建设,围绕深古菌特征细胞膜质鉴定、氨氧化古菌的特征细胞膜质对于静水压力的响应、深部生命特殊的碳代谢机理、以及深部生命与表层地球系统的相互作用开展了一系列工作。先后参加四次参加基金委共享航次,一次中法合作国际航次,并于今年9月份参加了由中科院深海所主导的马里亚纳海沟深潜航次,搭乘“深海勇士”号4500米载人深潜器,执行了两次深潜任务,积累了较为丰富的野外工作经验。先后在Earth Planetary and Science Letters, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Chemical Geology, Organic Geochemistry,Deep Sea Research II, Quaternary Research, Applied Environmental Microbiology等地学主流期刊发表SCI 论文16篇。2015年以来主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项,博士后基金面上项目(一等)一项,国家重点实验室开放课题两项,横向项目若干。

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